Developing a successful project relies on a Team approach. Many of the site’s Operations and Maintenance staff will provide valuable input towards a successful energy efficiency project. A typical scope of work will include the following:
Facility Benchmarking
“Needs versus Wants” Prioritization
LEED Goals
Technology Audits and Building Analysis
Equipment Inventory & Analysis
Energy Conservation Measure (ECM) Feasibility Analysis
Energy Rate and Utility Contract Analysis & Review
Turnkey Project Development
Identification & Viability of Renewable and Emerging Technologies
Project Planning (with respect to Agency and/or EO 13423 goals)
Delivery Order and RFP preparation assistance
Baselines and Measurement & Verification (M&V) Discussions
Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
Financial Option Analysis
Economic Analysis
Cash Flow Scenarios
Project Viability Review, ECM Screening
ECM-Specific M&V Development
Target and Goal seeking
Un-Biased Product Specification Assistance
Site Preferences for Product Selection
Compatibility Review (Spec versus Value)
Piece vs. System Choices
Project Management Services
Performance Based Specification Development
Contractor Bid Package Review and Evaluation
Review & Grade all proposals
with respect to price and "goals"
with respect to interactive effects
Cover-to-Cover Proposal Review
Critical Evaluation of All ECMs, Technologies, Management Approach, M&V
Methodologies, Pricing and Financing
Program Design & Management Assistance
Project Development & Coordination
Turn-Key Project Facilitation
Implementation & Construction Oversight
Measurement & Verification of Savings
Energy Efficient Project Consulting
Renewable Energy Power Purchase Agreements and Energy Service Agreements(TBD)
Point of Contact:
Wilson Reynolds, V.P.
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